Tuesday 8 November 2011

What to Pack for Travelling

!±8± What to Pack for Travelling

This is what I consider to be essential items for any traveler/backpacker. These are items which I have used in my past travels, and have served me well.


The first most obvious thing for any traveler to decide on is whether to use a backpack or a suitcase. During my first solo travel experience to Southeast Asia, Korea and Japan, I travelled with a backpack. For under 50 I bought a Eurohike 55 litre backpack with a rain cover, which came in handy during the monsoon season! The pack was top-opening, and didn't really offer much by way of security. I therefore bought a special backpack transit case which I put my backpack into and made it secure from theft, but also made it secure from airport conveyor belts. I had heard that the conveyors in airports sometimes broke clips from backpacks if they were not properly secured, and that some airlines didn't even want to have backpacks on their airplanes because they were a safety threat. I actually lost the backpack case during the course of my travels, and had to resort to wrapping my backpack in black bin bags and tape in order to prevent the clips from catching airport conveyors. The backpack was comfortable, with some very nice cushioned padding. However, I realized as my trip went on that the pack was a little too large. I had read on many different websites that the smaller and lighter your pack, the more comfortable your trip will be. This is so true. It is not just about how light the pack is for you to carry, but also practical reasons like travelling on packed trains and subways with a giant wardrobe on your back. The backpack was incredibly annoying whilst travelling on busy subways, as I didn't know if, and how badly, I was bumping into people - but I am sure that I definitely was! However, it was great to have my hands free when I needed to pay for tickets and also carry bags and water bottles.


On my second trip to Japan, I decided to ditch the backpack and travel with a medium sized suitcase. I was travelling for 3 weeks, and had planned to move around the country quite a bit. I was worried about the condition of the suitcase's wheels by the end of the trip, but altogether I preferred the comfort of a nice suitcase. The suitcase takes up the use of your arms, but it does relieve your back. I found time and again that my backpack was becoming too heavy and cumbersome for longer walks; a suitcase, meanwhile, makes walking a pleasure. Trying to find your hotel in the humid and busy conditions of Bangkok with your gigantic backpack is not a pleasant experience. Though, going up stairs is a pain with a suitcase, but with a backpack it is a breeze. This may be important to you as it is best to travel around a Japanese city (and many other Asian cities) via the subway system, and sometimes they have enormous staircases leading to the platforms. The final clincher is that a suitcase makes you look more businesslike and professional; a backpack makes you easily identifiable as a traveler or tourist, and makes you stand out far more. If I entered a nice hotel with my backpack, I wouldn't be given the same service as if I travelled with a suitcase. I believe that backpackers have a bit of a bad name in some countries, as backpackers tend to be younger people who are more prone to loutish behavior due to letting of some steam after finishing university.


You don't want to take your suitcase or backpack with you on your daily walks or excursions, so you need a nice convenient daypack. I actually took a shoulder bag, as it looked more stylish than a small backpack. But be warned, a shoulder bag can give you some irritating neck and shoulder pains if you over pack it with large water bottles or souvenirs. In this instance, a nice mini backpack is better as it transfers the weight evenly on your back and shoulders.

Travel Insurance

I always take out travel insurance as you never know what could happen during your trip. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Medical help abroad could cost you thousands if you do not have the correct insurance, so always read the insurance policy properly. When I search for insurance I always turn to comparison sites, such as moneysupermarket.com. This way you can compare all the different companies offering insurance and their relative policies.


Skype is a free service which allows you to call anyone in the world (who also has a Skype account) for free. The service is completely free when using the Skype-to-Skype service, and the prices are competitive if you want to call mobile phones or landlines. You can use Skype on your iPod Touch, an actual Skype phone or on your laptop. If you are taking a laptop abroad, you can even use your webcam to make video calls, but if you are not taking a laptop, I found that many internet cafes in Asia had Skype already installed on their computers. Skype also allows you to send instant messages, play games and even transfer files. All in all, Skype is a great device which you should be make use of whilst travelling.

First Aid Box

I like to take a mini first aid box when I travel. The boxes come in some very nice convenient sizes with everything you could need for your trip. Items can include: plasters, antiseptic cream, insect repellent, and various tablets for common travel sicknesses.


I will not speak at great lengths on clothing, as I believe this is a personal choice and dependent on different people's needs. However, I will say that you should always pack light, and think about whether you will ACTUALLY need an item of clothing. Sometimes, I have fallen into the trap of packing far too much clothing 'just in case'. Whilst travelling in Asia you can always pick up cheap clothing, so there is no need to over pack. The minimum I would take for a month travelling is: 3-4 t-shirts, 2 shirts, trousers, two shorts, swimming shorts, 2 pairs of socks, trainers/sneakers (I would buy some that look formal but are as comfortable as trainers).

Travel Washing Line

I take a small washing line on my trips in case there is not enough places to dry my clothes. If you are packing light, you can just wash your clothes more often, and you will sometimes need a washing line for extra space.

Travel Sink Plug

I used this occasionally when I stayed in hostels. In some budget accommodation you will not have a sink plug, which makes shaving difficult. The travel plug is therefore recommended if you are considering staying in budget accommodation. Also, even some higher grade hotels have faulty plugs in their bathrooms, so it is generally a good item to take.


As a dandy backpacker I have a vast array of toiletries. My toiletry bag consists of: shavers, moisturizers, sun cream, nail clippers, eyebrow tweezers, aftershaves (which I tend to buy from airport duty free), lip balm, deodorant and more!

Rain Mac

If you are travelling anywhere that has a monsoon season then a rain mac is a great idea. Monsoon rain is awesome, and can just take you by surprise and leave you drenched. A little rain mac can be scrunched up into a very small size and can easily be carried in your daypack.

Swiss Army Knife

I sometimes take this on my travels as it has various useful devices: a bottle opener, scissors, toothpick, tweezers, screwdriver heads and numerous knives of varying shape and sizes.

Travel Towels

I recommend taking a large travel towel. These can be folded into an incredibly small size and take very little space in your luggage. They also dry quicker than ordinary towels.


I really don't know much about cameras but I definitely know that you will need one on your journey. It's a way of recording experiences that are not possible in any other way. I just bought an 8 megapixel camera in Bangkok - it has served me well.


You will need these for your camera, so make sure you take enough spares from your own country, which tend to be cheaper than whilst abroad.

Mobile Phone

A mobile phone is now a necessary gadget in all parts of life, and is very important during your travels. It is a great device to keep in touch with other travelers, but is also a safety device if you become lost or in danger. Remember to take you charger though, or it will become useless after a few days.

Backup Sim Card

Just in case you lose the first Sim card you can just take another Sim, which are usually free.

Backup Debit/Credit Card

I would take a backup card just in case I lost my main card. If I lost my main card I could just cancel it and then transfer the money from my main account into my backup account via internet banking.

Pens and Paper

You will occasionally need to write things down, such as directions or contacts, and a pen and paper would be very helpful. I would always travel with a mini pen and small notepad in my daypack so that it was easy to get to. You can always use your mobile phone or iPod Touch for this as well.

Travel Adaptors

Travel adaptors are necessary if you want to charge your iPod or mobile phone. Once you know where you are going, you can find out what converter plug you will need. It will save you having to search around in your destination country. Some plugs are all-rounders and cover everywhere.

iPod Touch

My iPod Touch has been irreplaceable during my travels. Not only is it great for watching movies, listening to music and playing games whilst waiting for your flight or on long train journeys, it also has practical uses. By downloading free applications via its Wi-Fi capabilities you can turn your iPod Touch into a hotel or hostel finder, a currency exchange service, a travel guide and much more. I also bought a special, and inexpensive, earphone and microphone set for my Touch, which allowed me to use Skype wherever I had free Wi-Fi. Actually you can find free Wi-Fi everywhere in Southeast Asia: McDonald's, Starbucks, shopping malls, hotels and even airports. However, I surprisingly found that Wi-Fi access is not so easily found in Korea or Japan, and tends not to be free if it is offered.


I don't actually own one of these but they just seem to be a large iPod Touch. All the convenience of the iPod Touch being a nice pocket device which is easy to take everywhere is lost on this device. But maybe I am missing something about it.

Travel Guides

I love to read travel guides and always take them on my trips. My favorite guides have always been DK Eyewitness Travel Guides. I regularly use DK Eyewitness Travel Guides: Thailand, Japan and Rome to name a few. I found them incredibly helpful, but most importantly I loved the focus on culture and historical sites. The guides are wonderfully illustrated, easy to navigate, and the pictures and captions are beautifully presented. In addition, the historical sections are informative, well illustrated and a joy to read. I would also recommend Rough Guides and Lonely Planet, which I have also used in the past.

Money Belt

I originally bought one in order to hide my valuables, but then just used it to hold my bus/train tickets or small change so that it was easily at hand and I didn't have to rummage though bags or my pockets. The money belt can be used as just a regular bum bag (fanny pack if you're American) without valuable items and just left on display rather than inside your clothing. I just used it as an extra convenient pocket.

I hope my list of essential backpacking gear has been informative and useful. For more information on packing, and packing light, I recommend this website: onebag.com. Also, please visit my website: http://www.luxurybackpacking.com/ for more information on backpacking, independent travel and travelling Asia.

What to Pack for Travelling

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Friday 14 October 2011

A Backpack With Wheels?

!±8± A Backpack With Wheels?

I never thought a backpack with wheels would actually work for backpacking, but if I have the website for the "Packer Wheel" (TM) saw, I was impressed. You wear a frame that grabs a value on a wheel. You can also go over logs and rocks. I started thinking about what other backpacking innovations are just waiting to be marketed. Here are some of the things that came to me. Steal these ideas, please.

Inflatable frame backpack

With frame-less backpacks oftenmattress folded in the package to cushion against the back and some support for the load. Why not use part of the package that rests against the back of the bloat. Using the same technology for easy self-inflating sleeping bag pads, it would only add about 6 oz. The backpack could then double as foot-bag/pad to sleep.

Also this idea, I imagine a raft backpack that folds into a sleeping pad. The "frame" would be the bagPad in the shape of "U" for a certain stiffness in the package. Self-inflating sleeping bag pads are as light as 14 ounces now and chassis packages less than 12 ounces, so the combination could probably be only weighs 20 ounces.

Wax paper food bags

Put backpacking food in wax-paper wrapping instead of plastic. The packages then double as an emergency fire-starter, because the wax paper is also usually burn when it is wet.

Cushions / Waterbag

If I have to carry more water, I use the plastic bubblefrom boxed wine. They are light, strong, and I inflate the bag with air to use as a pillow too. To market a dual-purpose water container/pillow, it just needs a soft removable covering of some sort.

Jacket Backpack

Why not a frame-less backpack with a jacket that is a part of the pack? It can be folded out of the way, and the pack would have normal shoulder straps. When wearing the jacket, though, it would stabilize the pack, keep you warmer, and make it easy to push through heavy brush, because it wouldn't catch on things as easily. It is something like wearing a large jacket over a backpack, but with the weight-savings and stability that come from combining them. It could be called a "Jacket Pack-it."

Backpacking Game

Print a chess/checkers board on a jacket or backpack, and you have a carry-along game that weighs nothing extra. Great for spending hours in the tent waiting out the rain. If you don't carry the pieces, stones or pine cones could work as checkers.

Backpacking gear ideas and innovations keep popping into my head as I write this. Most are based on the idea of "dual purpose" items. They may work, some may not, but it is an entertaining dose of inspiration from a backpack with wheels.

A Backpack With Wheels?

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Sunday 2 October 2011

Kayak Fishing Accessories

!±8± Kayak Fishing Accessories

Kayak Fishing Accessories are a must if you have challenged the big blue or just venture out along the local rivers. While the selection of accessories can be a bit 'overwhelming, there are a few basic needs that should be long.

Best Kayak Fishing Accessories

The first thing you need is a rod holder. There are many possibilities, but I prefer RAM owners. RAM rod holders have the advantage that if you need to quickly insert your rod for allTherefore, it is possible to do this. This allows the reuse of the hands quickly, without your rod in the water!

A spray skirt is nice to have if you use a sit-in kayak. A lot of people think it is only necessary if you are fishing for white water or in a place with the waves. They fail to take into account, the boat wake. Look, if there is any kind of vessel traffic, then there is the possibility that it is a wake up call to come and surprise. Installed with a cover spray reduces the chance ofis about to lose your equipment, you should think.

Some of the best kayak fishing accessories available are the ones who do this themselves. That's right, you mean business. Look at me is not so!

You can add the changes to help you in the kayak fishing. Add an anchor, boxes for storage of the fish to navigate an oar while fishing with both hands. Even a trailer behind a few shops flotation. Your imagination knows no limits really.

You can alsosome old plans on the Internet for various accessories. Just do a quick search on Kayak Fishing Accessories plans. These items are perfect for the DIY person.

If you do not fancy accessories, or do not have the time, there are many possibilities. Find some of the hottest sellers, or ideas for a local club. You'll be surprised what you find there!

Kayak Fishing Accessories

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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Vivitar Series One Digital SLR Camera / Photo 17 inch Laptop Notebook & Accessory Sling Travel Backpack - DKS-25 Large (Black)

!±8±Vivitar Series One Digital SLR Camera / Photo 17 inch Laptop Notebook & Accessory Sling Travel Backpack - DKS-25 Large (Black)

Brand : Vivitar
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Sep 27, 2011 22:00:38
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The lightweight and extremely durable Vivitar One DSLR Sling Backpack (VIV-DKS-25) fits one DSLR camera with lens attached, a 17-in. laptop computer, 1-4 extra lenses, a flash unit and numerous accessories. Features adjustable foam padding, adjustable straps, tripod holder, trolley sleeve, and removable rain cover. Interior Dimensions: Laptop Compartment: 18 x 10.5 in. (45.7 x 26.7 cm) / Top Compartment: 9 x 7 x 6 in. (22.9 x 17.8 x 15.2 cm)/ Bottom Compartment: 11 x 10 x 6 in. (27.9 x 25.4 x 15.2 cm)

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Monday 19 September 2011

Swiss Gear Jaeger Mid Size Panel Load Internal Frame Pack

!±8±Swiss Gear Jaeger Mid Size Panel Load Internal Frame Pack

Brand : Swiss Gear
Rate :
Price : $59.00
Post Date : Sep 19, 2011 22:51:51
Usually ships in 24 hours

Swiss Gear has designed the Jaeger Midsized Panel Load Internal Frame pack with padded contoured shoulder straps and shock absorption, easing your load whether hiking an urban street or outdoor trail. Hydration compatible for a 2 liter reservoir (not included0, it measures 22 by 12 by 7inches and has a capacity of 2900 cubic inches. Stow your gear in the divided main compartment with bottom zippered access. A front stow away system and two side mesh stash pockets for water bottles or other items offer quick access. A detachable pocket on the shoulder strap secures your GPS while the easy access media pocket with its waterproof zipper holds your MP3 player. Constructed with frame sheet and aluminum stay it also has a padded adjustable back panel with lumbar support. Specifications: • Size: 22 in x 12 in. x 7 in. • Capacity: 2900 cu. in.

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Friday 16 September 2011

SwissGear SA1923 ScanSmart Black Backpack

!±8± SwissGear SA1923 ScanSmart Black Backpack

Brand : Swiss Gear | Rate : | Price : $79.99
Post Date : Sep 16, 2011 19:00:10 | Usually ships in 24 hours

SwissGear SA1923 ScanSmart Black Backpack

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

SwissGear SA1908 ScanSmart Backpack - Black

!±8±SwissGear SA1908 ScanSmart Backpack - Black

Brand : Swiss Gear
Rate :
Price : $63.97
Post Date : Sep 13, 2011 02:45:22
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

SwissGear SA1908 ScanSmart Backpack in Black

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Sunday 11 September 2011

A review of SwissGear Wenger Computer Messenger Bag Saturn

!±8± A review of SwissGear Wenger Computer Messenger Bag Saturn

Although backpacks are becoming a trend in the laptop-carrying world, some people just don't like the burden of the weight on their shoulders. And for people like me who have problems with posture or the back (I have scoliosis), it's always advised not to strain the back with heavy loads. So I just have to look for a better bag that will fit perfectly for me, and I found the SwissGear Saturn Computer Messenger Bag by Wenger which, I have to say, is a very good Choice.


The Saturn is a beautiful fashionable shoulder bag with many features. Although it is very difficult with 3.6 kilograms, is very suitable to bring my laptop and everyday needs. I heard some comments about the strength of the case, saying it is just broken. However, I did with my years and I have no problems with it, except for some points fade. The bag dimensions are 12 "x 16.5" x 7.5 ", and can be locked 17''Laptops. L 'Padded laptop is the protection, make sure that it is protected.

The flap of the bag has a front pocket where you keep something small that you can do, by the hand, such as pens, coins and other objects. The bag has two large compartments and an organizer of the face, you see immediately after turning on the cover. The organizer pockets especially for other devices such as mobile phones and other devices that you want in it, such as USB and FireWire devices hold.It also has several pockets for smaller items such as wallets and keys, and a large pocket for some papers or documents. The two main compartments both are large and spacious. The first is where you keep your laptop and you can still squeeze in some other papers with him. The second is for textbooks, exercise books and other bulky documents.


The bag has a nice faded black discoloration of the fabric cover. It has silver accents, and Wenger is a icon in the lowerDeclaration. The color is very unisexual with the idea to hide the signs of wear. Black holds stains and damage from very visible, and keeps the bag look good even after several years of use. Professionals are likely to carry this bag because it looks Executive, it is good and noble.

Other Features

The material of the bag is made of polyester, a highly resistant material that can last for years. The bag has a belt loop, but also has an ergonomic handleThis is very useful, especially if you are unable to pay, not the bag on his shoulder. In addition, the device makes the handling enough to prevent slips and falls, and the like. The cover latch is sure to add the protection of your valuables. This bag is a good competitor when it comes to laptop performance.


Whether you are not only in backpacks or have a back problem, the computer SwissGear Saturn Messenger Bag by Wenger for you. And for hisvery cheap price, you will not regret.

A review of SwissGear Wenger Computer Messenger Bag Saturn

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Friday 9 September 2011

A review of the SwissGear SA1908 Backpack intelligent scanning

!±8± A review of the SwissGear SA1908 Backpack intelligent scanning

Many owners of notebook laptop bags, but if you're like me, who loves to travel, you should know that a laptop also needs a backpack that can be used in different places, traveling with in an informal way and provide maximum protection for your beloved gadgets. Backpacks are popular items, but when it comes to laptops, you must have one specially made for this purpose, and I know exactly what it is - the backpack SwissGear SA1908 intelligent scanning.


As a backpack, ishas an excellent design. It 'clear enough to have to struggle with four compartments, one front pocket to store small items you use frequently so you do not have, to keep him out of deep pockets that is what you need. I particularly like the padded laptop in the bag, and stored securely tied in. The padding provides comfort for my laptop and prevents damage from other forces, such as falls holds. The notebook case laptop carry up to 17Inches, which are flexible, regardless of the size of the laptop will do.

The best feature is that it is TSA-friendly - by the TSA, I mean, the Transportation Security Administration. And exactly how can a backpack for laptop? That the other trays on the front and back of the laptop pocket have zippers that extend to the bottom of the bag, so to open the compartments without removing the laptop or the worry of falling out of place the device flat. E 'ideal for commuting and travel within the borders of the TSA, because you no longer need to think about how the world did you take care of your laptop bag checked.

The bag has a lot of padding that provides maximum comfort for every user. It 'very useful by itself with a weight of only 2.8 pounds, light enough to carry additional loads. The large front pocket has organizer with slots for pens, cell phones and CDs. The plain, durable material of which the bag is made of polyester andis fully developed to withstand heavy loads, including a laptop computer with all accessories skin appendages that brings with it such as cables, docks, storage devices and office equipment to carry. SwissGear Red icon creates a beautiful accent for the entire floor outside, which makes the aesthetic element unique to the bag.


It has a black color, very elegant but very suitable for people of all ages and sexes. They would not do it to match your style or not worriedhas discovered that your look. You may also know as a gift for someone who loves gadgets, especially laptops without thinking that if they want it or not. People who like this bag is definitely there, I did. The black exterior makes it ideal to wear to hide stains and do not show much deterioration.

Other Features

The bag has padded laptop for better weight distribution and a comfortable fit. It has a breathable back airflow, whichkeeps your back cool even while it is worn for a long time. It 'also very convenient and the price is a definite victory. It may take many years if cared for well, even with a steadily aging.


There is nothing wrong with that you say the SwissGear SA1908 Backpack intelligent scanning. It has excellent, durable material and design makes the TSA-makes it an excellent choice for those who are constantly on the move. I recommend this laptop bagbecause I like it, and I would like other people for a laptop backpack to discover this article and look for love.

A review of the SwissGear SA1908 Backpack intelligent scanning

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